Monday, March 29, 2010

Health Care Reform Requires Restaurants to List Nutritional Data

  The health care reform legislation that President Obama signed into law also includes a new requirement for the country's restaurant chains.

  Restaurants chains with 20 or more locations will be required to post nutritional data for their menu items. The requirement is modeled on similar regulations already in place in New York City and California.

  The NRA (National Restaurant Association) is praising the requirements:
“The passage of this provision is a win for consumers and restaurateurs,” said Dawn Sweeney, National Restaurant Association President and CEO. “We know the importance of providing consumers with the information they want and need, no matter in which part of the country they are dining. This legislation will replace a growing patchwork of varying state and local regulations with one consistent national standard that helps consumers make choices that are best for themselves and their families.”
WSJ Health Blog
   The regulation will also apply to posting nutritional information on the outside of vending machines. The American Beverage Association has announced that their members were going to start doing this anyway.

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