Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Two Men Arrested For Breaking Into Oler's Soda Machines

A couple of guys, who were up to no good, started making trouble in the neighborhood...

OK, so it wasn't exactly a crime worthy of the Fresh Prince theme song, but these two geniuses couldn't ignore the siren call of the coin-filled soda machines outside Oler's Restaurant and Drive-Thru:
Two Findlay men were jailed on felony charges after reportedly breaking into a soda machine early Tuesday, according to the Findlay Police Department.  Kenneth McDaniel, 24, and his cousin, Jaerrod McDaniel, 19, were charged with felony possession of criminal tools, city police said.  Kenneth McDaniel also was charged with escape, and both men were cited for a first-degree misdemeanor charge of tampering with coin machines, authorities reported.

Police said officers responded to a report of two males attempting to break into a pop machine at 4:57 a.m. Tuesday at Oler's, 700 Lima Ave. Both suspects were taken to the police department for processing.  While being taken into the station, Kenneth McDaniel allegedly broke the grip of an officer, police reported. The officer gave chase and quickly apprehended the suspect, police said. Following a brief struggle, McDaniel was subdued and suffered minor injuries, police reported.  The officer was unhurt.

Both suspects were being held Tuesday at the Hancock County jail.

Via The Courier
The moral of the story? Don't be a thieving idiot!  And, if that's just not in the cards, how about not trying to fight the cops who are arresting you...that tends to piss them off.

On a side note: are we the only ones who noticed that The Courier repeated some variation of the phrase, "police reported,"  after almost ever statement in the article? And we thought we used the word, "however" too often.

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